Briefly explain the term gender imbalance

Gender imbalance refers to an unequal distribution or ratio between males and females in a particular population or within specific social contexts. It often indicates a disparity in numbers, opportunities, or power between the two genders. Gender imbalance can occur in various sectors, such as education, employment, politics, or health, and can result from cultural, social, or economic factors that favor one gender over the other.

Gender imbalance refers to the unequal distribution or proportion of individuals of different genders within a particular group, community, or society. It typically refers to the disproportionate number of males or females, highlighting an imbalance in gender representation. This imbalance can manifest in various contexts, such as workforce participation, educational attainment, leadership positions, and societal roles. It is often associated with and influenced by cultural, social, economic, and political factors that can lead to disparities and inequalities between genders.