x 112

wrong: 112 * 112 = 12544

Apologies for the mistake. You are correct. The correct answer is 112 multiplied by 112 equals 12,544.

To multiply 100112 by 112, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down the two numbers vertically, aligning the units digits:

x 112

Step 2: Multiply the ones digit of the second number (2) by the first number:

x 112

Step 3: Multiply the tens digit of the second number (1) by the first number:

x 112
100112 (This step is equivalent to shifting the first number one place to the left)

Step 4: Multiply the hundreds digit of the second number (1) by the first number:

x 112
1001120 (This step is equivalent to shifting the first number two places to the left)

Step 5: Add the results obtained from steps 2, 3, and 4:

x 112
+ 200224
+ 1001120

Thus, 100112 multiplied by 112 equals 12013504.

The number 100112 is equal to 112 multiplied by 112.