
Read the passage.

First, I peel and cut up the fruit. I usually like to use apples, bananas, and strawberries, but sometimes I use grapes and mango. Then I put the fruit into a large bowl and add a little lemon juice. This keeps the fruit from turning brown. I also add a little bit of honey to make the salad sweet. Lastly, I mix everything together and put it in the refrigerator for about an hour. Then the fruit salad is ready to eat!

What do you notice about the structure and organization of the paragraph?

The topic sentence does not state the paragraph’s main idea.

There is no topic sentence.

The supporting details are not in a logical order.

There are many misspelled words.

The supporting details are in a logical order.

The structure and organization of the paragraph can be observed as follows:

1. Topic sentence: There is no explicit topic sentence in the paragraph. However, it can be inferred that the paragraph discusses the process of making a fruit salad.

2. Supporting details in logical order: The paragraph follows a clear order of steps in making the fruit salad: peeling and cutting the fruit, adding lemon juice to prevent browning, adding honey for sweetness, mixing everything together, and refrigerating for an hour.

3. Lack of misspelled words: The passage does not mention any misspelled words.