
Use the three-point general rubric to evaluate the paragraph.

Different Types of Plants

There are many different type of plants. Some plants are tall, Some is so small that you need a microscop. Plants grow all the world. People even eat some plants for food. Plants are good for the enviornment. They kepe the air clean. The also make our world a prettier place to live.

Three-Point General Rubric

Points Criteria
3 · The writing is clearly focused on the task.
· A main idea is well-developed and supported with relevant details.
· There are almost no errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

2 · The writing is related to the task but generally lacks focus.
· Support for the main idea is not clear or is missing.
· There are a few errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

1 · The writing is not focused on the task.
· There is no clear main idea.
· There are many errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation.

How does the passage meet the second criterion in the rubric?

It does not include any supporting details.

It includes a few details that support the main idea.

It includes many details that support the main idea.

It includes only one supporting detail.

The passage does not include any supporting details.

Based on the given paragraph, it can be evaluated that it meets the second criterion in the rubric by including a few details that support the main idea.