
What is a rubric?

a process used to publish a piece of written work

a tool used to evaluate a piece of writing

a process used to write a paper

an essay that consists of factual statements

A rubric is a tool used to evaluate a piece of writing. It is a set of criteria or guidelines that can be used to assess the quality, organization, and effectiveness of a written work. Rubrics often include specific criteria and a rating scale that allows for consistent and objective evaluation of the writing.

A rubric is a tool used to evaluate a piece of writing. It consists of a set of criteria or standards that are used to assess the quality of a written work, such as an essay or a research paper. Rubrics help provide clear expectations and guidelines for grading or assessing the writing, making the evaluation process more objective and consistent. They typically outline specific criteria or dimensions to be evaluated, along with corresponding levels of performance or proficiency for each criterion. Rubrics can be used by teachers to assess student work or by individuals and organizations to evaluate writing in various contexts.