Which type of outline would you most likely work with first?

a paragraph outline

a topic outline

a sentence outline

The answer would depend on the specific task or project being worked on, as well as personal preference and writing style. However, typically, a topic outline is often worked with first when organizing and planning a written piece. A topic outline provides a high-level overview of the main ideas and subtopics that will be addressed in the writing. From there, a more detailed outline, such as a sentence or paragraph outline, can be developed.

When working on an outline, the most common type to start with is a topic outline (option B). This type of outline involves organizing ideas and information using a series of headings and subheadings. It provides a broad overview of the main points and supporting details to be included in your writing.

Next in the outlining process, you can refine your ideas and create a more detailed structure by using a sentence outline (option C). This type of outline expands on the topic outline by including complete sentences for each point or sub-point, providing a clear and precise overview of your writing.

Lastly, a paragraph outline (option A) is the most detailed and specific type of outline. It includes complete paragraphs in the outline, giving a comprehensive overview of the entire piece of writing. This type of outline is typically used when the writing is well-developed and requires a higher level of organization.