1. Create a simple sentence with a simple subject and a simple verb. /2

2. Create a simple sentence with a compound verb and a simple subject. /2
3. Create a simple sentence with a compound subject and a simple verb. /2
4. Create a simple sentence, using a colon to introduce a list. /2
5. Create a compound sentence, using a comma and a coordinating conjunction. /2
6. Create a compound sentence, using a semicolon. /2
7. Create a compound sentence, using a colon. /2
8. Create a compound sentence, using a semicolon, a conjunctive adverb and a comma. /2
9. Create a complex sentence, where the dependent clause comes first. /2
10. Create a complex sentence, where the independent clause comes first. /2
11. Create a compound-complex sentence. /2
12. Create a sentence with a non-restrictive clause or appositive. /2
13. Create a sentence with a restrictive clause or appositive. /2
14. Create a sentence, using semicolons in a list with commas. /2
15. Create a sentence that uses apostrophe(s) to show possession. /2
16. Create a sentence that uses apostrophe(s) in contraction(s). /2
17. Create a sentence that uses more than one proper noun. /2
18. Create a sentence that uses a demonstrative pronoun. /2
19. Create a sentence that uses a quantifier. /2
20. Create a sentence that uses a preposition. /2

1. The dog barked.

2. The cat purred and meowed.
3. Dogs and cats are domestic animals.
4. I need to buy groceries: eggs, milk, and bread.
5. I went to the store, and I bought some fruits.
6. I finished my work; now I can relax.
7. She loves to read classic novels: Pride and Prejudice and Jane Eyre.
8. He wanted to go swimming; however, it was too cold.
9. Although it was raining heavily, we still went for a walk.
10. We went to the beach, and we had a picnic.
11. She took a deep breath, and she jumped into the water, but she realized she couldn't swim.
12. The book, written by J.K. Rowling, is a bestseller.
13. The book that I borrowed from the library is due tomorrow.
14. I need to pack my suitcase with clothes: shirts, pants, and shoes; toiletries: toothbrush, toothpaste, and soap; and other essentials: passport and money.
15. The dog's tail wagged happily.
16. He doesn't want to go to the party; he's too tired.
17. John and Sarah went to the park.
18. This is the book I was talking about.
19. She bought several bags of groceries.
20. The cat is hiding under the table.

1. The cat meowed.

2. She ran and jumped.
3. Tom and Jerry laughed.
4. My shopping list includes: apples, milk, and bread.
5. I went to the store, and I bought some new shoes.
6. The rain poured heavily; however, I stayed dry under the umbrella.
7. I have a hobby: painting.
8. John loves to play soccer; moreover, he is very talented.
9. Before the storm arrived, we decided to stay indoors.
10. We played soccer all day, and we were exhausted.
11. The dog barked, and the cat ran away, but the bird continued to sing.
12. John's sister, Rachel, is very friendly.
13. The book that I'm reading is interesting.
14. I need to pack my swimsuit; sunscreen, a hat, and a towel; and my sunglasses.
15. John's dog's tail wagged happily.
16. It's raining outside, and I can't go for a walk.
17. Jane and Peter went to the park with their friends.
18. This is my pen.
19. She ate some cookies.
20. The book is on the table.