Tina lives in a state that charges her 4.5% state income tax on her federal taxable income. If her federal taxable income is $61,600, how much does Tina pay in state income tax?


To calculate how much Tina pays in state income tax, multiply her federal taxable income by the state income tax rate.

State income tax = Federal taxable income * State income tax rate
= $61,600 * 4.5% = $2,772.

Therefore, Tina pays $2,772 in state income tax.

The answer is d. $2,772.

Choose the statements below that are true.

Cells are the smallest unit of life.

Cells are important to the structure and function of living things.

All organisms are made of multiple cells.

Cells come in different shapes and sizes.

The true statements are:

1. Cells are the smallest unit of life.
2. Cells are important to the structure and function of living things.
3. Cells come in different shapes and sizes.

To calculate the amount of state income tax Tina pays, you need to multiply her federal taxable income by the state income tax rate.

Step 1: Calculate the state income tax amount
State income tax amount = federal taxable income * state income tax rate

Given that Tina's federal taxable income is $61,600 and the state income tax rate is 4.5% (0.045),
State income tax amount = $61,600 * 0.045

Step 2: Calculate the state income tax amount
State income tax amount = $2,772

Therefore, Tina pays $2,772 in state income tax.

The correct answer is d. $2,772.

To calculate how much Tina pays in state income tax, we can use the formula:

State Income Tax = (State Tax Rate) x Federal Taxable Income

In this case, the state tax rate is 4.5% and Tina's federal taxable income is $61,600.

Step 1: Convert the tax rate into a decimal.
4.5% = 0.045

Step 2: Multiply the tax rate by the federal taxable income.
State Income Tax = (0.045) x $61,600
State Income Tax = $2,772

So, the answer is d. Tina pays $2,772 in state income tax.