According to the chart below, what percentage of Ralph’s expenses are items other than taxes?

A circle graph titled Ralph's Annual Expenses. Federal taxes, 29 percent; State/local taxes, 6 percent; Housing and household, 25 percent; Food, 8 percent; Medical care, 11 percent; Transportation, 7 percent; Recreation, 6 percent; Clothing, 5 percent; Other, 10 percent.

The percentage of Ralph's expenses that are items other than taxes can be calculated by adding up the percentages of all the categories except taxes:

(25% + 8% + 11% + 7% + 6% + 5% + 10%) = 72%

Therefore, the correct answer is:

b. 71%

To find the percentage of Ralph's expenses that are items other than taxes, we need to add up the percentages of all the categories except for taxes.

The percentage of expenses that are items other than taxes is given by the sum of the following categories: Housing and household (25 percent), Food (8 percent), Medical care (11 percent), Transportation (7 percent), Recreation (6 percent), Clothing (5 percent), and Other (10 percent).

By adding these percentages together, we get: 25 + 8 + 11 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 10 = 72%.

Therefore, the percentage of Ralph's expenses that are items other than taxes is 72%.

None of the options provided matches this result, so it seems there may be an error in the given data or options provided.