In the following, write the binary number in base 10.


The binary number 111111 is equivalent to the decimal number 63.

To convert the binary number 111111 to base 10:

1. Start by writing down the binary number: 111111.
2. Starting from the rightmost digit, assign each digit a power of 2, starting from 2^0.
3. Multiply each binary digit by its corresponding power of 2 and sum the results.
- 1 * 2^0 = 1
- 1 * 2^1 = 2
- 1 * 2^2 = 4
- 1 * 2^3 = 8
- 1 * 2^4 = 16
- 1 * 2^5 = 32
4. Add up all the products: 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63.
Therefore, the binary number 111111 in base 10 is equal to 63.