Calculate the Social Security and Medicare tax that would be applied to an annual salary of $35,400.

Social Security tax: $2,194.80, Medicare tax: $513.30
Social Security tax: $21,948.00, Medicare tax: $5,133.00
Social Security tax: $6,621.60, Medicare tax: $513.30
Social Security tax: $66,216.00, Medicare tax: $5,133.00

To calculate the Social Security tax, you would multiply the annual salary by the Social Security tax rate. The Social Security tax rate is currently 6.2%.

Social Security tax = $35,400 * 0.062 = $2,194.80

To calculate the Medicare tax, you would multiply the annual salary by the Medicare tax rate. The Medicare tax rate is currently 1.45%.

Medicare tax = $35,400 * 0.0145 = $513.30

Therefore, the correct answer is:

a. Social Security tax: $2,194.80, Medicare tax: $513.30.

To calculate the Social Security and Medicare tax for an annual salary of $35,400, we need to first determine the tax rates for each.

The Social Security tax rate is currently 6.2% (as of 2021) on income up to a maximum limit, which is $142,800 for 2021. However, since the annual salary of $35,400 is below this limit, we will apply the tax rate of 6.2% to the entire salary.

Social Security tax = $35,400 x 6.2% = $2,194.80

The Medicare tax rate is 1.45% (as of 2021) on all earnings with no maximum limit.

Medicare tax = $35,400 x 1.45% = $513.30

Therefore, the correct answer is option a.

Social Security tax: $2,194.80, Medicare tax: $513.30