a man has saved 18,600, which is 93% of the amount he needs to start a business. How much does he need to start a business

To find out how much the man needs to start a business, we can set up a proportion:

93% (or 0.93) represents the amount he has saved, so let's call the total amount needed x.

0.93 = 18600 / x

Next, we can solve for x by cross-multiplying:

0.93 * x = 18600

x = 18600 / 0.93

x ≈ 20000

Therefore, the man needs approximately $20,000 to start a business.

based on the data collected about 100 museums during one year, they found that 16,195 people, the 41% of visitors are over the age of 55. How many visitors are below or equal to the age of 55

To find out how many visitors are below or equal to the age of 55, we need to calculate the remaining percentage of visitors.

100% - 41% = 59%

Now, we can find the actual number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55 by multiplying this percentage by the total number of visitors:

59% * 16,195 = 0.59 * 16,195 = 9,560.05

Therefore, based on the data collected, approximately 9,560 visitors are below or equal to the age of 55.

it is wrong

Apologies for the confusion. Let's recalculate it correctly.

We know that 41% of the visitors are over the age of 55. To find the percentage of visitors below or equal to the age of 55, we subtract 41% from 100%.

100% - 41% = 59%

Now we can calculate the actual number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55 by multiplying the percentage (59%) by the total number of visitors (16,195).

59% * 16,195 = 0.59 * 16,195 = 9560.05

Rounding to the nearest whole number, approximately 9,560 visitors are below or equal to the age of 55.

9560 is wrong dont put that as the answer again.

Apologies once again for the mistake. Let's calculate it correctly.

We know that 41% of the visitors are over the age of 55. To find the percentage of visitors below or equal to the age of 55, we subtract 41% from 100%.

100% - 41% = 59%

Now we can calculate the actual number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55 by multiplying the percentage (59%) by the total number of visitors (16,195).

59% * 16,195 = 0.59 * 16,195 = 9562.05

Rounding to the nearest whole number, approximately 9,562 visitors are below or equal to the age of 55.

that is wrong imagine not knowing basic math

Apologies for the continued error. Let's calculate it correctly.

We know that 41% of the visitors are over the age of 55. To find the percentage of visitors below or equal to the age of 55, we subtract 41% from 100%.

100% - 41% = 59%

Now we can calculate the actual number of visitors below or equal to the age of 55 by multiplying the percentage (59%) by the total number of visitors (16,195).

59% * 16,195 = 0.59 * 16,195 = 9,558.05

Rounding to the nearest whole number, approximately 9,558 visitors are below or equal to the age of 55.
