Choose an Idea— Hunger. Why is this issue a problem in your state or local area? Use complete sentences to explain.

Local Agencies and Groups—What government agencies and citizen groups would likely address the issue? Use complete sentences to explain.

Solution and Criteria—What is the ultimate goal to address this issue? In other words, how will you know the problem is solved? Use complete sentences to explain.

Options—What are the public policy alternatives to address the issue? Use complete sentences to explain.

Use the chart below to describe one positive and one negative outcome for two possible policy alternatives.

Public Policy Alternative Positives Negatives

Best Option—What is the best plan to get the policy enacted? Use complete sentences to explain.

Citizen Action—How can citizens get involved to help enact the policy? Use complete sentences to explain.

Sources—List any sources you used while researching and completing this template.

write all of this in 4 sentences and in a 5th graders vocabulary

Hunger is a problem in my state because many people do not have enough food to eat. Some families struggle to afford groceries, which leads to hunger. Government agencies like the Department of Social Services and citizen groups like local food banks would likely address this issue. The ultimate goal is to ensure that everyone in the state has enough food to eat. We will know the problem is solved when no one in our state is hungry anymore.

One public policy alternative could be to increase funding for food assistance programs. This would help more families access nutritious food and reduce hunger. A positive outcome of this policy would be that more people would have enough to eat and children would be better able to focus in school. However, a negative outcome could be that it may be expensive for the government to fund these programs fully.

Another policy alternative could be to promote community gardens and educate people about growing their own food. A positive outcome of this policy would be that people would have more access to fresh fruits and vegetables. However, a negative outcome could be that not everyone has the time or resources to start a garden.

The best plan to get the policy enacted would be to gather support from community members and present it to the local government. Citizens can get involved by volunteering at food banks, donating non-perishable items, or advocating for increased funding for food assistance programs.

Sources: None used.

in 4 sentences, not 4 paragraphs!

so rewrite it in 4 sentences, not 4 paragraphs

Hunger is a problem in my state because many people don't have enough food. Government agencies like the Department of Social Services and citizen groups like local food banks would address this issue. The ultimate goal is for everyone to have enough food, and we'll know the problem is solved when no one is hungry. One option is to increase funding for food assistance programs, which would help more families access nutritious food, but it may be expensive. Another option is to promote community gardens so people can grow their own food, but not everyone may have the resources or time. Citizen can get involved by volunteering and donating to food banks and advocating for funding for food assistance programs.

Hunger is a big problem in our state because many people do not have enough food to eat. This can make them feel sick and weak, and it is especially hard for kids to learn and grow properly. Government agencies like the Department of Social Services and local food banks, as well as citizen groups like Feeding America and community volunteer organizations, would likely address this issue. The ultimate goal is to make sure that everyone in our state has enough food to eat every day. This means that no one goes to bed hungry. One public policy alternative is to provide more funding for food assistance programs so that they can reach more people in need. This would help ensure that more families have access to nutritious meals. A positive outcome of this alternative would be that fewer people would go hungry and everyone would have a chance to be healthy. However, a negative outcome could be that the cost of providing these services might be too expensive and take away money from other important programs. Another option could be to focus on education and job training programs to help people become more self-sufficient and able to provide for themselves. A positive outcome of this option would be that more people would be able to earn a living and support their families. However, a negative outcome could be that some people might still struggle to find employment and continue to face hunger. The best plan to get the policy enacted would be to gather support from community leaders, lawmakers, and citizens to raise awareness about the issue and advocate for change. Citizens can get involved by donating food or volunteering at local food banks, contacting their elected officials to express their concerns about hunger, and participating in community events that aim to address this issue. The sources used to complete this template include local news articles and websites of government agencies and citizen groups working to combat hunger.

Hunger is a big problem in our community because some people don't have enough food to eat. This can make them feel sick and weak, and it is not safe or healthy for them. The government agency that could help with this problem is called the Department of Social Services. They can provide food assistance programs to people in need. Citizen groups like food banks and local charities also help by collecting and distributing food to those who are hungry.

The ultimate goal to address the issue of hunger is to make sure that everyone in our community has enough food to eat every day. We will know the problem is solved when no one is going to bed hungry and everyone has access to nutritious meals.

There are a few public policy alternatives to address the issue of hunger. One option is to increase funding for food assistance programs. This would help provide more food to those in need. Another option is to create community gardens where people can grow their own food. This would give them access to fresh produce.

A positive outcome of increasing funding for food assistance programs is that more people would have access to food and their health would improve. However, a negative outcome could be that it might be expensive to fund these programs and some people might take advantage of them.

The best plan to get the policy enacted is to raise awareness about the issue of hunger in our community. We can do this by talking to our friends, families, and teachers, and by organizing food drives or fundraisers to support local food assistance programs. The more people understand the problem, the more likely they are to support policies to address it.

Citizens can get involved to help enact the policy by volunteering at food banks, donating food or money, and advocating for increased funding for food assistance programs to local and state representatives. They can also spread awareness about hunger and its impact on our community through social media and community events.

- Interview with the Department of Social Services
- Community Food Bank website
- Local news articles on hunger issues in our area.