Use simple words “ One of the primary reasons for the corruption in Denmark is the presence of a deceitful and power-hungry ruler, King Claudius. After murdering his brother and marrying his sister-in-law, Gertrude, Claudius obtains the throne through a treacherous act. His actions stain the legitimacy of his rule and establish a rotten foundation for the state. By manipulating those around him and resorting to immoral methods, Claudius creates a toxic atmosphere where deceit and corruption are normalized.”

In Denmark, one of the main reasons for corruption is because of a ruler named King Claudius. He is deceitful and always wants more power. He killed his own brother and married his brother's wife, which is very wrong. By doing this, Claudius becomes king in a sneaky way. His actions make his rule not fair and create a bad start for the country. Claudius tricks people and does things that are not right, making corruption seem normal in Denmark.