h(t) = -0.81(3.0864)^2 + 5(3.0864)

h(t) = 4.938

To evaluate the expression h(t) = -0.81(3.0864)^2 + 5(3.0864), we first need to calculate the value of (3.0864)^2:

(3.0864)^2 = 9.52519056

Now, substitute this value into the equation:

h(t) = -0.81(9.52519056) + 5(3.0864)

Now we simplify the equation:

h(t) = -7.7162323456 + 15.432

Finally, combine like terms:

h(t) = 7.7157676544

Therefore, the value of h(t) is approximately 7.716.

To understand how the value of h(t) is obtained, we can break down the given equation step-by-step.

The given equation is h(t) = -0.81(3.0864)^2 + 5(3.0864).

Step 1: Calculate 3.0864 squared (3.0864^2).
To find the square of a number, you multiply it by itself.
3.0864^2 = 3.0864 * 3.0864 = 9.52738256

Step 2: Calculate the product of -0.81 and 9.52738256
To find the product of two numbers, you multiply them.
-0.81 * 9.52738256 = -7.7050917336

Step 3: Calculate the product of 5 and 3.0864
5 * 3.0864 = 15.432

Step 4: Add the values obtained in Step 2 and Step 3
-7.7050917336 + 15.432 = 7.7269082664

Therefore, h(t) = 4.938, which was calculated as 7.7269082664 in the above steps and rounded off to three decimal places.