Five sisters have birthdays in different months from each other (February, March, June, July and December), and on different days of the week from each other (Sunday, Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday). Using the clues below, determine the month and day of the week for each sister's birthday.

a.Paula was born in March but not on Saturday.
b.Abigail's birthday was not on Friday or Wednesday.
c.The girl whose birthday is on Monday was born earlier in the year than Brenda and Mary.
d.Tara wasn't born in February and her birthday was on the weekend.
e.Mary was not born in December and her birthday was not on a weekday.
f.The girl whose birthday was in June was born on Sunday.
g.Tara was born earlier in the year than Brenda, whose birthday wasn't on Friday.
h.Mary wasn't born in July.

Based on the clues given, we can deduce the following:

1. Paula was born in March but not on Saturday.
Therefore, Paula's birthday is on a day other than Saturday in March.

2. Abigail's birthday was not on Friday or Wednesday.
This means Abigail's birthday is on Sunday, Monday, or Saturday in June, July, or December.

3. The girl whose birthday is on Monday was born earlier in the year than Brenda and Mary.
This implies that Tara's birthday is on Monday and is in a month earlier than June, July, or December.

4. Tara wasn't born in February and her birthday was on the weekend.
This narrows Tara's birthday to either Saturday or Sunday in April or May.

5. Mary was not born in December and her birthday was not on a weekday.
This leaves Mary's birthday on either Sunday or Saturday in June or July.

6. The girl whose birthday was in June was born on Sunday.
Since the girl in June was born on Sunday and Abigail's birthday is on a Sunday, Abigail's birthday must be in June.

7. Tara was born earlier in the year than Brenda, whose birthday wasn't on Friday.
This means Tara's birthday must be earlier than Brenda's and Brenda's birthday is not on Friday. Therefore, Brenda's birthday is on either Sunday or Monday in either June or July.

8. Mary wasn't born in July.
Since Brenda's birthday is in June or July and Mary's birthday is not in July, Mary's birthday must be in June.

Putting all the clues together, we can determine the month and day of the week for each sister's birthday:

Paula - March (not Saturday)
Abigail - June (Sunday)
Tara - April (Saturday)
Brenda - July (Monday)
Mary - June (Saturday)

Based on the given clues, we can determine the month and day of the week for each sister's birthday as follows:

- From clue a, Paula was born in March but not on Saturday.
- From clue b, Abigail's birthday was not on Friday or Wednesday.
- From clue c, the girl whose birthday is on Monday was born earlier in the year than Brenda and Mary.
- From clue d, Tara wasn't born in February and her birthday was on the weekend.
- From clue e, Mary was not born in December and her birthday was not on a weekday.
- From clue f, the girl whose birthday was in June was born on Sunday.
- From clue g, Tara was born earlier in the year than Brenda, whose birthday wasn't on Friday.
- From clue h, Mary wasn't born in July.

Based on these clues, we can deduce the following:

1. Paula was born in March, but not on Saturday.
2. Abigail's birthday was not on Friday or Wednesday.
3. The girl whose birthday is on Monday was born earlier in the year than Brenda and Mary.
4. Tara wasn't born in February and her birthday was on the weekend. This means Tara's birthday was on either Saturday or Sunday.
5. Mary's birthday was not in December or on a weekday. So, Mary's birthday can be in February, June, or July. However, since Tara wasn't born in February, Mary's birthday cannot be in February. Therefore, Mary's birthday is either in June or July.
6. From clue f, the girl whose birthday is in June was born on Sunday. This means the girl whose birthday is in June cannot be Tara because Tara's birthday was on the weekend (Saturday or Sunday). Therefore, the girl whose birthday is in June is not Tara.
7. From clue g, Tara was born earlier in the year than Brenda, whose birthday was not on Friday. This means Brenda's birthday cannot be in February or on Friday. Also, Tara's birthday was on the weekend (Saturday or Sunday), so Brenda's birthday cannot be on the weekend. Therefore, Brenda's birthday is in either March or July, and it is not on Friday or on the weekend (Saturday or Sunday).
8. Since the girl whose birthday is in June is not Tara, and we already know Brenda's birthday cannot be in June, Brenda's birthday must be in July.

Based on these deductions, we can now determine the month and day of the week for each sister's birthday as follows:

- Paula's birthday is in March and not on Saturday.
- Abigail's birthday is in December (as it's the only month left) and not on Friday or Wednesday.
- The girl whose birthday is on Monday is Tara, and it must be in February.
- Mary's birthday is in June and not on a weekday.
- Brenda's birthday is in July and not on Friday.

Putting it all together, the month and day of the week for each sister's birthday are:

- Paula: March, not Saturday
- Abigail: December, not Friday or Wednesday
- Tara: February, Monday
- Mary: June, not weekday
- Brenda: July, not Friday

So, that's the solution for the month and day of the week for each sister's birthday based on the given clues.