Omar has some money. He spends 1/5 of the money on a book, 3/7 of the money on a CD and he puts the rest of the money in a bank. What fraction of the money does he put in the bank?

The fraction of money Omar spends on the book and CD is equal to the sum of 1/5 and 3/7 which is 7/35 + 15/35 = <<7/35+15/35=22/35>>22/35.

Since he spends 22/35 of his money, he puts 1 - 22/35 = 13/35 of his money in the bank. Answer: \boxed{\frac{13}{35}}.

The sum of two fractions is 34/5. One of the fraction is 49/10. Find the other fraction

Let's represent the other fraction as x/y. We know that the sum of the two fractions is 34/5, so we can write the equation:

49/10 + x/y = 34/5

To solve for x/y, we need to have a common denominator. The LCD of 10 and y is 10y, so we can rewrite the equation as:

(49y + 10x)/(10y) = 34/5

Cross-multiplying, we get:

(49y + 10x) * 5 = 34 * (10y)

245y + 50x = 340y

340y - 245y = 50x

95y = 50x

To simplify the equation, we can divide both sides by 5:

19y = 10x

Dividing both sides by y gives:

19 = 10x/y

So, the other fraction is 19/10.

To find the fraction of money Omar puts in the bank, we need to subtract the portions spent on the book and CD from the total.

Let's say Omar has 1 whole unit of money.
He spends 1/5 on a book, which leaves him with 1 - 1/5 = 4/5 of his money.
Then he spends 3/7 of the remaining money on a CD.
So, 3/7 of the 4/5 remaining is (3/7) x (4/5) = 12/35.

Therefore, Omar puts 12/35 of his money in the bank.