What is the funtion of ..adverbial phrase

The function of an adverbial phrase is to modify or provide additional information about a verb, adjective, or adverb in a sentence. It typically answers questions such as when, where, why, how, or to what extent something happens. Adverbial phrases can be used to indicate time, place, manner, frequency, or condition. Examples of adverbial phrases include "in the morning," "at the park," "with urgency," "twice a week," and "if necessary." They help to add detail and context to the overall meaning of a sentence.

An adverbial phrase is a group of words that act as an adverb, providing additional information about the verb in a sentence. It functions to modify or describe a verb, adjective, or adverb, providing details such as time, place, manner, frequency, or degree. Adverbial phrases often answer questions such as when, where, how, why, or to what extent. They can be composed of prepositions with their objects, infinitive phrases, participial phrases, or gerund phrases. Adverbial phrases can add depth and specificity to a sentence, helping to clarify the meaning or provide important details.