Your home health patient is ordered Tylenol 600mg. The client has on hand Tylenol 250mg in 5ml. What is C? Show all work

To find the concentration (C), we need to calculate how many milligrams of Tylenol are in 1 ml of the solution.

The client has Tylenol 250mg in 5 ml, so in 1 ml there are:
250 mg / 5 ml = 50 mg/ml

Therefore, the concentration (C) is 50 mg/ml.

To calculate the C (quantity of Tylenol 250mg in 5ml needed to achieve the ordered dose of Tylenol 600mg), we need to use the formula:

C = (D x V) / A

C = quantity of Tylenol 250mg in 5ml needed
D = ordered dose of Tylenol (600mg)
V = volume of Tylenol 250mg in 5ml (5ml)
A = available dose of Tylenol (250mg)

Plugging in the values into the formula:

C = (600mg x 5ml) / 250mg


C = 3000mg-ml / 250mg

C = 12ml

Therefore, to achieve the ordered dose of Tylenol 600mg, the patient needs to take 12ml of Tylenol 250mg in 5ml.