Lesson status is indicated by the icons:





Student Information
Lessons on Today's Planner

The lessons shown in today's view of the Planner are the next lessons due for each course. These lessons will differ from those that appear in the monthly view of the Planner as originally scheduled for today's date if you are behind schedule.

Behind schedule?

If you are behind schedule in a course, it means you have outstanding lessons. Today's Planner will display the first outstanding lesson in the course instead of the originally scheduled lesson for today's date. It will continue to do this until you complete all outstanding lessons and are back on schedule. Example: If you have two outstanding math lessons, today's Planner displays the first outstanding math lesson. After you complete that lesson, the second outstanding math lesson will appear on today's Planner. As a result, you may eventually see two math lessons on today's Planner.

Still have questions?

Your teacher can answer any questions you may have.

Simply ask them during your next class or send them a message through the platform. They are there to help you!

reword this.

Lesson status is indicated by the icons:





Student Information
Lessons on Today's Planner

The lessons shown in today's view of the Planner are the next lessons due for each course. These lessons will differ from those that appear in the monthly view of the Planner as originally scheduled for today's date if you are behind schedule.

Behind schedule?

If you are behind schedule in a course, it means you have outstanding lessons. Today's Planner will display the first outstanding lesson in the course instead of the originally scheduled lesson for today's date. It will continue to do this until you complete all outstanding lessons and are back on schedule. Example: If you have two outstanding math lessons, today's Planner displays the first outstanding math lesson. After you complete that lesson, the second outstanding math lesson will appear on today's Planner. As a result, you may eventually see two math lessons on today's Planner.

Still have questions?

Your teacher can answer any questions you may have.

The icons indicate the status of a lesson:

- Incomplete
- Pending
- Completed
- Skipped

Student Information:
Today's Planner displays the upcoming lessons for each course. However, if you are behind schedule, the lessons displayed in Today's Planner will be different from the originally scheduled ones in the monthly view. Instead, it will show the first outstanding lesson in the course until all outstanding lessons are completed and you catch up. For example, if you have two outstanding math lessons, Today's Planner will display the first outstanding math lesson. Once you complete it, the second outstanding math lesson will appear. This may result in seeing two math lessons on Today's Planner.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask your teacher. They are available to help you.

To summarize:

1. Lesson status is indicated by the icons: Incomplete, Pending, Completed, and Skipped.

2. The lessons shown in today's view of the Planner are the next lessons due for each course.

3. If you are behind schedule in a course, today's Planner will display the first outstanding lesson in the course instead of the originally scheduled lesson for today's date.

4. It will continue to display outstanding lessons until you complete them and are back on schedule.

5. If you have multiple outstanding lessons, they will appear one after another on today's Planner as you complete them.

6. If you have any questions, you can ask your teacher for help.

The lesson statuses indicated by the icons are as follows:

1. Incomplete: This indicates that the lesson has not been completed yet. It may still require your attention and completion.

2. Pending: This means that the lesson is waiting to be done or is in progress. It is not yet marked as complete but is actively being worked on.

3. Completed: This icon signifies that the lesson has been finished and marked as complete. You have completed all the required tasks or assessments for this particular lesson.

4. Skipped: If a lesson is skipped, it means that it has been intentionally bypassed or not completed. This may be due to various reasons, such as not being relevant to your current level or being an optional lesson.

Regarding the lessons shown in today's view of the Planner, they are the next lessons due for each course. However, there can be a difference between the lessons displayed in the monthly view and the ones shown in the daily view of the Planner if you are behind schedule.

If you are behind schedule in a course, it means you have outstanding lessons that need to be completed. In such cases, the Planner will display the first outstanding lesson for that course instead of the originally scheduled lesson for today's date. This will continue until you complete all outstanding lessons and get back on schedule.

For example, if you have two outstanding math lessons, the first outstanding math lesson will be shown in today's Planner. Once you complete that lesson, the second outstanding math lesson will appear on today's Planner. As a result, you may eventually see two math lessons on today's Planner.

If you still have any questions or need further clarification, it's best to reach out to your teacher. They will be able to answer any specific questions you may have regarding your lessons or schedule.