A map has a scale of 1:50000. TWO TOWER ARE 10.4KM APART

If the map's scale is 1:50000, it means that every distance on the map is 50,000 times smaller than the actual distance in real life.

To find the actual distance between the two towers, we multiply the map distance by the scale factor.

10.4 km x 50000 = 520,000 km

Therefore, the two towers are 520,000 km apart in real life.

A map has a scale of 1:50000. Two towers are 10.4km apart.

How many centimeters on the map is this?

To find out how many centimeters on the map the 10.4 km distance between the two towers is, we need to convert the kilometers to centimeters using the scale of 1:50000.

10.4 km = 10,400 meters (as there are 1000 meters in a kilometer)
10,400 meters = 1,040,000 centimeters (as there are 100 centimeters in a meter)

Now, we need to divide the actual distance in centimeters by the scale of the map to find the corresponding distance on the map.

1,040,000 centimeters / 50,000 = 20.8 centimeters

Therefore, the 10.4 km distance between the two towers is 20.8 centimeters on the map.

To determine the distance between two towers on a map given the scale, you can use the following steps:

Step 1: Determine the conversion factor from the given scale.

In this case, the scale is 1:50000, which means that each unit on the map represents 50000 units in the real world.

Step 2: Convert the distance between the towers to the same units as the scale.

The distance between the towers is given as 10.4 km. Since the scale is in terms of units, we need to convert kilometers to the same unit. 1 kilometer is equal to 1000 meters, so 10.4 km is equal to 10,400 meters.

Step 3: Apply the conversion factor.

According to the scale, each unit on the map represents 50000 units in the real world. Therefore, to determine the distance on the map, we divide the real-world distance by the conversion factor.

Distance on the map = 10,400 meters / 50000 = 0.208 units

So, the distance between the two towers on the map would be approximately 0.208 units.