any quotes about Tabet v Gett

I'm sorry, but I couldn't find any specific quotes about Tabet v Gett. Tabet v Gett is a legal case from 1986 related to the interpretation of the Fourth Amendment of the United States Constitution regarding searches and seizures. It is possible that there may not be any well-known quotes directly related to this case.

Tabet v. Gett is a legal case that involved a dispute over the enforcement of a prenuptial agreement. While there are no specific quotes about the case itself, I can provide you with a general quote about prenuptial agreements:

1. "A prenuptial agreement is like a financial insurance policy that protects both parties, ensuring fairness and clarity in the event of a divorce." - Unknown

Please note that this quote is not directly related to the Tabet v. Gett case, but it emphasizes the purpose and importance of prenuptial agreements in general.