This year a small business had a total revenue of $64,600 if this is 36% more than their total revenue the previous year what was their total revenue the previous year

Let "x" represent the total revenue of the previous year.

According to the information given, the total revenue of this year is 36% more than the previous year's total revenue, so it can be expressed as x + 0.36x = 1.36x.
We know that the total revenue of this year is $64,600, so 1.36x = $64,600.
Dividing both sides of the equation by 1.36 gives x = $64,600 / 1.36 = $47,500.
Therefore, the total revenue of the previous year was $47,500. Answer: \boxed{47500}.

To find out the total revenue of the small business in the previous year, we can use the following calculation:

Previous year's revenue = Total revenue / (1 + Percentage increase/100)

In this case, the total revenue of the small business this year is $64,600, and it is 36% more than the previous year's revenue.

Putting the values into the formula:

Previous year's revenue = $64,600 / (1 + 36/100)


Previous year's revenue = $64,600 / (1 + 0.36)

Previous year's revenue ≈ $64,600 / 1.36

Previous year's revenue ≈ $47,500

Therefore, the total revenue of the small business in the previous year was approximately $47,500.