Q10: Which contestants have never received a tribal council vote (i.e. a vote to be voted out of the game as shown in the vote_id column in the vote_history DataFrame)? Note that there are various reasons for a contestant to not receive a tribal vote: they quit, made it to the end, medical emergency, etc. Select their rows from the castaway_details DataFrame and save this as Q10 in ascending order by castaway_id. This should return a DataFrame and the index and missing values should be left as is.

To find the contestants who have never received a tribal council vote, we can filter the castaway_details DataFrame based on the missing values in the vote_id column. We'll create a new DataFrame called Q10 with these rows, and sort it in ascending order by castaway_id. Here's the code to achieve this:

# Filter rows where vote_id is null
Q10 = castaway_details[castaway_details['vote_id'].isnull()]

# Sort by castaway_id in ascending order
Q10 = Q10.sort_values('castaway_id')

# Display the Q10 DataFrame

Note: The code assumes that the castaway_details DataFrame is already loaded and available in the environment.

To identify the contestants who have never received a tribal council vote, we can look at the information in the `vote_id` column of the `vote_history` DataFrame. We will use the castaway details from the `castaway_details` DataFrame and select only those contestants who have never received a vote. We will save the result as a new DataFrame called `Q10`, sorted in ascending order by `castaway_id`. Here's the code to do that:

# Filter the vote_history DataFrame to include only rows where a vote was cast
votes_cast = vote_history[vote_history["vote_id"].notna()]

# Get a list of all the castaway ids of the contestants who received votes
castaways_with_votes = list(votes_cast["castaway_id"].unique())

# Filter the castaway_details DataFrame to include only contestants who did not receive any votes
Q10 = castaway_details[~castaway_details["castaway_id"].isin(castaways_with_votes)]

# Sort the result in ascending order by castaway_id
Q10 = Q10.sort_values("castaway_id")

# Show the result

Make sure to replace `vote_history` and `castaway_details` with the actual names of your DataFrames.

To find the contestants who have never received a tribal council vote, you can follow these steps:

1. From the provided information, it seems that there are two DataFrames: "castaway_details" and "vote_history". Firstly, make sure you have both of these DataFrames available.

2. Identify the types of votes recorded in the "vote_id" column of the "vote_history" DataFrame. There may be different vote types, such as "Voted Out", "Quit", "Medical Emergency", or others.

3. Create a subset of the "vote_history" DataFrame where the vote type is "Voted Out". This will filter out any other types of votes.

4. Once you have the subset with only "Voted Out" records, you can find the contestants who have received a tribal council vote. Group this subset by the "castaway_id" column and count the number of times each contestant appears.

5. Now, you need to identify the contestants who have never received a tribal council vote. To do this, compare the "castaway_id" column of the "castaway_details" DataFrame with the "castaway_id" values from the subset created in step 4. Extract the rows for which the "castaway_id" does not exist in the subset.

6. Save the resulting DataFrame as "Q10".

7. Sort "Q10" by the "castaway_id" column in ascending order.

Doing this should give you a DataFrame, "Q10", with the contestants who have never received a tribal council vote, sorted in ascending order by "castaway_id".