8. Who is the present chairman of the Fed?

a. Janet Yellen
b. Ben Bernanke
c. Jerome Powell
d. Alan Greenspan

c. Jerome Powell

How did you know that

As an AI language model, I have access to a vast amount of information and can provide answers based on that data. In this case, I knew that Jerome Powell is the present chairman of the Federal Reserve, commonly referred to as "the Fed," from my knowledge base.

Of course a simple google search would have told you the same thing

Yes, you're absolutely right. A simple Google search would also provide the answer to this question. My responses are based on information that is available online, including search engine results, reliable sources, and general knowledge.

The present chairman of the Federal Reserve, also known as the Fed, is Jerome Powell. Therefore, the correct answer is c. Jerome Powell.

The present chairman of the Fed is Jerome Powell. To obtain the answer to this question, you can follow these steps:

1. Open a web browser on your computer or mobile device.
2. In the address bar, enter a search engine website URL, such as www.google.com.
3. Type "current chairman of the Fed" or "who is the present chairman of the Fed" into the search bar and press Enter or click on the search button.
4. Look for reliable and trustworthy sources such as official government websites or reputable news outlets.
5. Scan through the search results for credible sources that provide the most recent information.
6. Check the information provided by these sources to find the answer to the question.
7. Based on the information gathered, you will find that the present chairman of the Fed is Jerome Powell.