MD order: 25mg/kg of medication

Available: 100mg/10mL
Child’s weight:48lbs
How many milliliters will you administer per dose? Show all work

To calculate the dose in milliliters, we need to convert the child's weight from pounds to kilograms:

48 lbs * 1 kg / 2.2046 lbs = 21.7724 kg (approximately 21.8 kg)

Now, we can calculate the dose in milligrams:

25 mg/kg * 21.8 kg = 545 mg

Since the available medication strength is 100mg/10mL, we can set up a proportion to find the volume (in mL) needed for the dose:

100 mg x mL
------- = -----
10 mL 545 mg

Cross-multiplying, we get:

100 mg * 545 mL = 10 mL * x

54500 mg = 10 mL * x

Dividing both sides by 10 mL, we find:

x = 54500 mg / 10 mL

x = 5450 mL

Therefore, you will need to administer 5450 mL per dose.

To determine how many milliliters of medication to administer per dose, you need to convert the weight of the child from pounds to kilograms.

1 pound is approximately equal to 0.4536 kilograms.

Let's calculate the weight of the child in kilograms:

48 lbs x 0.4536 kg/lb = 21.7728 kg (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Now that we know the weight in kilograms, we can calculate the medication dosage.

The MD order is 25 mg/kg of medication. The child's weight is 21.7728 kg.

Let's calculate the total amount of medication needed:

25 mg/kg x 21.7728 kg = 544.32 mg (rounded to 2 decimal places)

The available medication concentration is 100 mg/10 mL.

To find out how many milliliters to administer, we need to calculate the ratio of medication concentration to the desired dosage:

544.32 mg ÷ 100 mg = 5.4432 (rounded to 4 decimal places)

Now we divide this by the concentration of medication per milliliter:

5.4432 ÷ 10 mL = 0.54432 (rounded to 5 decimal places)

Therefore, you will administer approximately 0.54432 milliliters per dose of the medication to the child.