Source A:Source B: What [writer Norman] Cousins discovered on his own, researchers have recently been trying to prove through scientific study: that laughter can relieve pain, reduce depression, promote relaxation, boost the immune system, improve blood flow and breathing, lower blood pressure and glucose levels, and even slow the growth of cancer cells. “Studies indicate that participating in laughter therapy is beneficial in terms of disease control,” says William Fry, M.D., professor emeritus at the Stanford University School of Medicine. –“Laughter Yoga to Improve Health? It’s No Joke,” Sally Abrahms Which summary statement best synthesizes information from the two sources? Laughter can help improve blood flow and breathing when properly applied. Laughter has been studied by both writers and scientific researchers. Laughter triggers the production of neurochemicals that make you feel calm. Laughter can relieve many conditions, such as stress, by stopping the release of stress hormones.

The summary statement that best synthesizes information from the two sources is: Laughter can relieve many conditions, such as stress, by stopping the release of stress hormones.

is the bermuida triangle a triangle side 1 = 1666km side 2 =1544km side 3=1658

No, the Bermuda Triangle is not a triangle with side lengths of 1666km, 1544km, and 1658km. The Bermuda Triangle is a region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where several ships and airplanes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. It is not a physical triangle with specific side lengths.

is a triangle really a triangle if it has these side lengths 1666km, 1544km, and 1658km.

Yes, a triangle is still a triangle if it has side lengths of 1666km, 1544km, and 1658km. The triangle may have unusual proportions or appear elongated, but as long as it satisfies the basic requirement of having three sides connected by three vertices, it is considered a triangle.

Apply the Triangle Inequality Theorem

The Triangle Inequality Theorem states that in any triangle, the sum of the lengths of any two sides must be greater than the length of the remaining side.

To apply the Triangle Inequality Theorem to the triangle with side lengths 1666km, 1544km, and 1658km, we can check if the theorem holds true for this triangle.

Let's consider the sum of the two shorter sides (1544km + 1658km = 3202km) and compare it to the length of the longest side (1666km). In this case, 3202km is greater than 1666km.

For the triangle to be valid, the sum of the two shorter sides must be greater than the longest side. Since this condition is satisfied with the given side lengths, the triangle with side lengths 1666km, 1544km, and 1658km is indeed a valid triangle according to the Triangle Inequality Theorem.