Hen authors revise the voice in a draft, they focus onessay structure and organization.the amount and accuracy of evidence.sentence structure and word choice.the accuracy and formatting of citations.

When authors revise the voice in a draft, they typically focus on sentence structure and word choice.

When authors revise the voice in a draft, they usually focus on several key elements:

1. Essay structure and organization: They examine how the ideas and arguments flow logically and coherently throughout the essay. They may reorganize paragraphs or sections to improve the overall structure.

2. The amount and accuracy of evidence: Authors review the evidence they have included to support their claims. They check if they have provided enough evidence and if it is accurate, relevant, and properly cited.

3. Sentence structure and word choice: They pay attention to the clarity and effectiveness of their sentences. They may rephrase sentences that are awkward or unclear, and they look for opportunities to use specific and precise language that enhances their message.

4. The accuracy and formatting of citations: Authors ensure that they have accurately cited all the sources they have used in their writing. They check the formatting of citations to ensure they adhere to the required style guide (e.g., APA, MLA).

By focusing on these aspects, authors can refine the voice in their drafts to create a more polished and effective piece of writing.