Based solely on this information, which nation would you predict to have the lowest standard of living and why?

A All nations should have a low standard of living because of terrorism.All nations should have a low standard of living because of terrorism.
B Iraq, because they have been ravaged by war and violence since 2001.Iraq, because they have been ravaged by war and violence since 2001.
C Afghanistan, because literacy is a key part of economic development.Afghanistan, because literacy is a key part of economic development.
D Israel, because they are the only non-Muslim country in the region.Israel, because they are the only non-Muslim country in the region.
E Iran, because they are governed as a theocratic republic

B Iraq, because they have been ravaged by war and violence since 2001.

Based solely on the information provided, it would be most logical to predict that Iraq would have the lowest standard of living. This is because the country has experienced significant levels of war and violence since 2001, which have had a detrimental impact on its infrastructure, economy, and overall well-being of its citizens.