1. The Allies defeat the Central Powers in World War I.

2. The League of Nations created a program giving Allied countries control of former Central Power colonial territories.
3. After World War II, the League of Nations dissolved, ending the program.

This chronology shows the sequence of events leading to the creation and eventual end of the


program giving Allied countries control of former Central Power colonial territories:

1. The Allies defeat the Central Powers in World War I.
2. The League of Nations is created.
3. The League of Nations creates a program giving Allied countries control of former Central Power colonial territories.
4. World War II occurs.
5. After World War II, the League of Nations dissolves, ending the program.

This chronology illustrates how the defeat of the Central Powers in World War I led to the establishment of the League of Nations, which then created a program for Allied countries to control former Central Power colonial territories. However, after World War II, the League of Nations dissolved, resulting in the end of this program.