If you are a licensed teen driver and had your provisional license revoked due to an alcohol-related violation, what steps must you complete to obtain a full driver’s license? (place in order as found in the manual)

1. Serve the period of suspension or revocation that was imposed by the court or Department of Motor Vehicles.

2. Complete an approved alcohol education program, if required.
3. Apply for a new provisional license after the revocation period is over.
4. Successfully complete all requirements for the provisional license, including any necessary training or educational classes.
5. Maintain a clean driving record for a specified period of time, typically one to three years.
6. Apply for a full driver's license once all requirements have been met and the revocation period is over.

To obtain a full driver's license after having your provisional license revoked due to an alcohol-related violation, you will need to complete the following steps in the order specified in the manual:

1. Serve the license revocation period: The first step is to serve the duration of the license revocation period as determined by your state's regulations. This period typically varies depending on the severity of the violation.

2. Attend an alcohol education or treatment program: Many states require individuals with alcohol-related violations to complete an alcohol education or treatment program. This step helps promote responsible driving behavior and provides necessary education on the dangers of alcohol abuse.

3. Pass written and/or knowledge tests: Once you have completed the required alcohol education or treatment program, you may need to pass a written knowledge test. This test assesses your understanding of traffic laws, road signs, and safe driving practices.

4. Pass a practical driving test: After successfully passing the written test, you will need to pass a practical driving test. During this test, a licensed examiner will evaluate your driving skills and ability to follow the rules of the road.

5. Apply for a new provisional license: If you pass both the written and practical driving tests, you will need to apply for a new provisional license. This may involve filling out an application, paying any required fees, and providing necessary identification documents.

6. Complete any additional requirements: Depending on your state's regulations, you may need to fulfill additional requirements before obtaining a full driver's license. This could include completing a certain number of supervised driving hours or attending driver's education classes.

7. Upgrade to a full driver's license: Once you have fulfilled all the necessary steps and requirements, you can upgrade your provisional license to a full driver's license. This will allow you to drive without the restrictions that were imposed during your provisional license period.

Remember to consult your state's driver's manual or official documentation for the most accurate and up-to-date information on obtaining a full driver's license after a provisional license revocation.