Write a letter in tswi to your mother who is abroad telling her why you want to go there

My dear Mother,

N'wa mina, ndza ku rhandza hi hi hlamula layu eka ku hambana la. (Mother, I hope this letter finds you well in your distant land.) I hope it reaches your heart, just as your love for me always reaches mine. Today, I want to express my desire to join you there, where you are currently residing, and share my reasons with you.

First and foremost, I miss your warm embrace, Mama. The feeling of family, of safety and comfort that you provide, has been missed dearly during your absence. Each day, I long for your presence, your loving touch that reminds me of home. I yearn to be surrounded by your wisdom, guidance, and unwavering love, which has always been my anchor.

Moreover, I have heard countless tales of the beautiful place you are currently residing in. The way you describe its landscapes, people, and culture has ignited a spark within me to explore it myself. Mama, I have always been fascinated by the world beyond my grasp, and being able to venture into unfamiliar territories offers an opportunity for personal growth and discovery.

Furthermore, I believe that living in a foreign land will broaden my horizons and shape my perspectives on life. Being exposed to different cultures, traditions, and languages will not only deepen my understanding of humanity but also enable me to become a compassionate, empathetic global citizen. It will allow me to appreciate the diversity that enriches our world and promote unity among nations.

In addition, the chance to study and experience education in a different setting entices me greatly. I yearn to enhance my knowledge, learn from new professors, and immerse myself in an academic environment that fosters creativity and critical thinking. I believe the challenges of adapting to a new education system will motivate me to strive harder and pave the way for a brighter future.

Lastly, being in your presence again, sharing precious moments, and creating new memories together, makes my heart leap with joy. The moments we have spent apart have made me realize the significance of our bond. I long to be by your side, supporting you in any way I can, just as you have always supported me throughout my journey.

N'wa mina, Mother, my aspirations to join you in your current land are immense and genuine. I yearn for the love, guidance, and opportunities that await me there. I trust that you understand my longing and the reasons behind my desire to embark on this new adventure.

Please know, dear Mother, that wherever I go, you will forever be at the core of my heart. May this letter reach you swiftly, carrying my deepest love for you across the miles.


[Your Name]

Dear Mother,

I hope this letter finds you well in your new surroundings abroad. I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you why I have the strong desire to join you in your new home.

Firstly, living apart from you has made me realize the importance of family and how deeply I value our bond. Your absence has left a void in my everyday life, and I truly miss our conversations, laughter, and the warmth of your presence. Being apart from you has made me realize that there is no substitute for having family close by, and I yearn to experience the joy and comfort of being with you.

Secondly, I have always been intrigued by different cultures and the opportunity to immerse myself in a new environment excites me. Living abroad would allow me to learn and appreciate the local customs, traditions, and way of life. It would broaden my perspective, help me become more adaptable, and foster personal growth. I believe exposure to diverse cultures can shape one's character positively, and I am eager to embrace the enriching experience.

Furthermore, the prospect of exploring new places and embarking on adventures with you fills me with anticipation. Our shared wanderlust for travel has always brought us closer, and I am eager to join you in discovering the secrets and wonders of your new home. Being able to explore together, create memories, and deepen our bond is something that I highly value and desire.

Lastly, being in your presence would provide me with the guidance, support, and love that I truly need at this juncture of my life. Your wisdom and experience would be invaluable in helping me navigate the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead. Having you nearby would bring me a sense of security, knowing that I have your unwavering guidance and love to rely on.

In conclusion, dear Mother, I want to be with you abroad because I miss you deeply, crave familial closeness, yearn for personal growth through cultural immersion, desire to embark on new adventures together, and require your wisdom and love during this important phase of my life. Your presence is irreplaceable, and I long for the day we can be together again.

With all my love and longing,
[Your Name]