The process by which we acquire our attitudes and opinions by politics is known as political ———-z-t—-

The process by which we acquire our attitudes and opinions by politics is known as political socialization.

The social group that has the most influence on how you will vote in your —m—-

The social group that has the most influence on how you will vote in your "m" can vary for different individuals. It could range from family, friends, peer groups, or other social networks.

In illegal text dad what’s interfered with women’s right to vote was the -o— tax

In legal text, what interfered with women's right to vote was the poll tax.

People who believe voting is important, have high political ——c-c-

People who believe voting is important have high political efficacy.

Any person currently in —I- cannot vote

Any person currently in prison cannot vote.

Any person currently in - -I- cannot vote