The chart below shows the average number of movies seen per person in select countries use equal intervals to make a frequency table for average numbers of movies per person

To create a frequency table for the average number of movies seen per person in select countries, we will use equal intervals. The given chart is not provided, so we cannot provide specific values for each interval. However, we can demonstrate the process by explaining how to create the table.

1. Determine the range of the data: The range is the difference between the highest and lowest values in the dataset.

2. Divide the range into equal intervals: Divide the range into several equal-sized intervals. The number of intervals or categories should be between 5 to 15 depending on the amount and spread of data.

3. Count the number of data points falling into each interval: Look at the actual data points (average number of movies per person) and count how many fall into each interval.

4. Create the frequency table: Construct a table with two columns. Label the first column as "Interval" and the second column as "Frequency". List the intervals in ascending order in the first column, and write the frequency (count of data points) for each interval in the second column.

Here's a simplified example with hypothetical data:

Interval | Frequency
0-2 | 7
3-5 | 5
6-8 | 11
9-11 | 8
12-14 | 3

Please provide the actual data from the chart, and we'll be happy to create a frequency table for you.

To make a frequency table for the average numbers of movies per person with equal intervals, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the range of the data.
Look at the chart to find the highest and lowest values. Let's assume the highest value is 10 and the lowest value is 1.

Step 2: Determine the number of intervals.
Decide on the number of intervals you want to divide the range into. Let's say we choose 5 intervals.

Step 3: Calculate the width of each interval.
Divide the range by the number of intervals to calculate the width of each interval. In this case, the range is 10 - 1 = 9. Divide 9 by 5 to get a width of 1.8 (round up to the nearest whole number if required).

Step 4: Create the frequency table.
Start by listing the intervals in one column. Each interval will have a lower limit and an upper limit.

- Interval 1: 1 - 2
- Interval 2: 3 - 4
- Interval 3: 5 - 6
- Interval 4: 7 - 8
- Interval 5: 9 - 10

Next, create another column for the frequency count.

- Interval 1 (1-2):
- Interval 2 (3-4):
- Interval 3 (5-6):
- Interval 4 (7-8):
- Interval 5 (9-10):

Step 5: Count the frequencies.
Look at the chart again and count the number of countries falling into each interval. Fill in the frequency count in the respective intervals.

- Interval 1 (1-2): 2
- Interval 2 (3-4): 4
- Interval 3 (5-6): 3
- Interval 4 (7-8): 5
- Interval 5 (9-10): 1

This completes the frequency table for the average numbers of movies per person using equal intervals.