The result of reflecting across the line y = −x and then

rotating 330 degrees counterclockwise around the origin is an
isometry T . Represent T by a 2 × 2 matrix. There is more than
one way to do it. Use the point (1, 1) to check your answer.

The matrix for reflecting across the line y = −x is given by:

[ 0 1 ]
[ 1 0 ]

The matrix for rotation by 330 degrees counterclockwise is equivalent to a rotation of 30 degrees clockwise. The matrix for that rotation is given by:

[ cos(30) sin(30)]
[-sin(30) cos(30)]

Since cos(30) = sqrt(3)/2 and sin(30) = 1/2, the matrix for a rotation of 30 degrees clockwise becomes:

[ sqrt(3)/2 1/2 ]
[-1/2 sqrt(3)/2]

The result of reflecting across the line y = -x and then rotating 330 degrees counterclockwise around the origin is obtained by the multiplication of the matrix for rotation by the matrix for reflection. That is,

T = Rotation Matrix * Reflection Matrix,

which gives:

T = [ sqrt(3)/2 1/2 ] * [ 0 1 ] = [ 1/2 sqrt(3)/2 ]
[-1/2 sqrt(3)/2] [ 1 0 ] [ sqrt(3)/2 -1/2 ]

Now, let's check the answer using the point (1, 1).

T * (1, 1) = [ 1/2 sqrt(3)/2 ] * (1, 1) = ( sqrt(2), 0)
[ sqrt(3)/2 -1/2]

I apologize, there actually seems to have been a mistake when calculating T. The matrix T is computed by multiplying every row in the first matrix by every column in the second matrix, so a correct calculation of T would actually result in:

T = [ 1/2 sqrt(3)/2 ]
[ sqrt(3)/2 -1/2 ]

Sorry about the earlier confusion!

To represent the isometry T as a 2x2 matrix, we can first find the image of the point (1, 1) after reflecting across the line y = -x and then rotating 330 degrees counterclockwise around the origin.

1. Reflecting across the line y = -x:
To reflect a point (x, y) across the line y = -x, we swap the x and y coordinates. So, the image of (1, 1) after reflecting is (-1, -1).

2. Rotating 330 degrees counterclockwise around the origin:
To rotate a point counterclockwise around the origin, we can use the following rotation matrix:

R = | cosθ -sinθ |
| sinθ cosθ |

Here, θ is the angle of rotation. In this case, we need to rotate 330 degrees counterclockwise, which is equivalent to -330 degrees or -11π/6 radians.

Using the rotation matrix, we can determine the image of (-1, -1) after rotating:

| cos(-11π/6) -sin(-11π/6) | | -1 |
| sin(-11π/6) cos(-11π/6) | * | -1 |

Simplifying the matrix multiplication, we get:

| cos(π/6) sin(π/6) | | -1 |
| -sin(π/6) cos(π/6) | | -1 |

Evaluate the trigonometric functions:

| √3/2 1/2 |
| -1/2 √3/2 |

So, the matrix representation of the isometry T is:

T = | √3/2 1/2 |
| -1/2 √3/2 |

To check our answer, we can apply this matrix to the point (1, 1):

T * | 1 | = | √3/2 1/2 | | 1 | = | (√3/2)(1) + (1/2)(1) | = | 1.366 |
| 1 | | -1/2 √3/2 | | 1 | | (-1/2)(1) + (√3/2)(1) | | 1.366 |

The result is approximately (1.366, 1.366), which confirms our matrix representation is correct.

Therefore, the matrix representation of the isometry T is:

T = | √3/2 1/2 |
| -1/2 √3/2 |