This artist was sometimes golfer days, without food or sleet, in an attempt to explore the deep, rooted sources of creativity and truth

This might be referring to the renowned Spanish surrealist artist, Salvador Dali. He was known for his eccentric lifestyle and his passion for exploring deep and hidden truths through his art. He often used unconventional methods to encourage his creativity, such as sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation, and solitary confinement. Dali’s art brought forward surreal representations of the human condition as well as the fantasy and imagination of the dream world.

The artist you are referring to is Marina Abramović, known for her performance art. Abramović has explored various forms of extreme experiences and endurance in her art, including fasting and subjecting herself to harsh conditions. One such performance is "The House with the Ocean View" in 2002, where she spent 12 days in complete isolation in a gallery space, without food or sleep, aiming to access the deeper sources of consciousness and creativity.