An abstract representation of a mathematical operation: Next to a mise-en-scene of three separate algebraic expressions, in order: a logarithm log to the base 10 with an argument of 30 divided by 16; a subtraction operation involving two times another logarithmic operation with a base of 5/9; and addition operation with the logarithm of base 10 and an argument of 400 divided by 243. All expressions should be contained within floating bubbles and suspended against a background of a blackboard.

Simplify log 10(30/16)-2 log (5/9)+log 10(400/243)

All of these logs are base 10, so we can take advantage of the log properties to simplify this question.

log(PQ) = logP + logQ,
log(P/Q) = logP - logQ,
and log(P^N) = NlogP.

Substituting these properties into the given expression:

log10(30/16) - 2log10(5/9) + log10(400/243)

= log10(30) - log10(16) - 2(log10(5) - log10(9)) + log10(400) - log10(243)

= log10(30) + log10(9^2) - log10(16) + log10(5^2) + log10(400) - log10(243)

= log10(30) + 2log10(9) - log10(16) + 2log10(5) + log10(400) - log10(243)

= log10(30*9^2*5^2*400) - log10(16*243)

= log10[(30*81*25*400)/(16*243)]

= log10[24300000/3888].

Now this can be simplified:

= log10[6250]

= 4.792.

So the simplified form of the expression is 4.792.

I don't understand the answer

I apologize for the confusion. Let's go through the simplification process step by step:

log10(30/16) - 2log10(5/9) + log10(400/243)

= log10(30) - log10(16) - 2(log10(5) - log10(9)) + log10(400) - log10(243)

= log10(30) - log10(16) - 2log10(5) + 2log10(9) + log10(400) - log10(243)

Using log properties, we can simplify further:

= log10(30) - log10(16) - log10(5^2) + log10(9^2) + log10(400) - log10(243)

= log10(30) - log10(16) - log10(25) + log10(81) + log10(400) - log10(243)

Now, we can combine the logarithms using the properties mentioned earlier:

= log10((30 * 81 * 400) / (16 * 25 * 243))

= log10(972000 / 97200)

= log10(10)

= 1

Therefore, the simplified expression is equal to 1.

Too long please make it short

Apologies for the lengthy explanation. Here is the simplified expression:

log10(30/16) - 2log10(5/9) + log10(400/243) = 1

I don't mean you just give me the answer , solve it but make it short

log10(30/16) - 2log10(5/9) + log10(400/243)

= log10[(30/16) * (400/243)^2]
= log10[(30 * 400 * 400)/(16 * 243 * 243)]
= log10[16000000/944784]
= log10(16.929)
= 1.228

Please my brain can't carry this


I apologize for the confusion. Here are the simplified answers for each term:

log10(30/16) simplifies to log10(1.875)
2log10(5/9) simplifies to log10((5/9)^2)
log10(400/243) simplifies to log10(1.646)

Now, using a calculator or logarithm table, you can find the values for each simplified term:

log10(1.875) ≈ 0.273
log10((5/9)^2) ≈ -0.196
log10(1.646) ≈ 0.216

Finally, add up these values:

0.273 - 2(-0.196) + 0.216 ≈ 0.973

I have given up on the question