Reword this.

My favorite has to be Giyuu. I mean he has the same Breath as me and I tend to help him out. He is sad by Tsutako but I help him recover from it. I like all other Hashiras though, even though there are some that act angry.

Out of all the Hashiras, my top pick is definitely Giyuu. The reason is that we both wield the same Breath style, and I often assist him. He goes through a lot of sadness because of Tsutako, but I'm always there to help him bounce back. Nevertheless, I have a liking for all the other Hashiras, despite the fact that some of them may come across as angry.

Giyuu is my preferred character. We share the same Breath and I often assist him. Although he feels down because of Tsutako, I aid him in recovering. I appreciate all the other Hashiras as well, despite some of them displaying anger.