4. Which events support the developmental task associated with the stage of middle adulthood according to Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development? Select all that apply . 1) Getting married 2) Having children 3) Retiring from work 4) Experiencing menopause 5) Becoming a coach for a son's soccer team 6) Volunteering as a math tutor at a local school

1) Getting married

3) Retiring from work
4) Experiencing menopause
5) Becoming a coach for a son's soccer team
6) Volunteering as a math tutor at a local school

According to Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development, the developmental task associated with the stage of middle adulthood is generativity versus stagnation. This stage occurs between the ages of approximately 40 and 65.

Events that support the developmental task of generativity in middle adulthood include:
1) Getting married: This event allows individuals to form a long-term committed relationship and potentially start a family, which fulfills the task of generativity.
2) Having children: Having and raising children is a significant way to fulfill the generativity task, as individuals invest time, effort, and resources into their offspring's well-being and development.
5) Becoming a coach for a son's soccer team: Taking on a coaching role demonstrates a commitment to supporting and guiding the next generation, thus contributing to the generativity task.
6) Volunteering as a math tutor at a local school: Engaging in volunteer work, such as tutoring, allows individuals to contribute their skills and expertise to the community, which aligns with the generativity task.

Events that do not directly support the generativity task are:
3) Retiring from work: Although retirement can provide opportunities to engage in generative activities, it does not inherently contribute to the developmental task as it does not involve actively investing in future generations.
4) Experiencing menopause: Menopause is a biological event primarily associated with physical changes and the cessation of menstruation, rather than a specific psychosocial developmental task.

Therefore, the events that support the developmental task associated with the stage of middle adulthood, according to Erikson's Stages of Psychosocial Development, are:
1) Getting married
2) Having children
5) Becoming a coach for a son's soccer team
6) Volunteering as a math tutor at a local school