Oder: orinase 1g PO bid for type 2 diabetes mellitus

Available: 500 mg tablets
How many tablets will you give per dose

To give a dose of 1g of Orinase, which is available in 500mg tablets, you would need to give 2 tablets per dose.

To calculate the number of tablets per dose, we need to convert the total dose of Orinase from grams (g) to milligrams (mg) and then divide by the strength of the tablets.

1 gram (g) is equal to 1000 milligrams (mg).

So, the total dose in milligrams (mg) is:

1g = 1000mg

Now, we need to divide the total dose by the strength of the tablets:

1000mg / 500mg = 2 tablets

Therefore, you will give 2 tablets per dose.