It is true that family planning method can make a women not have children?

Yes, family planning methods can help prevent or delay pregnancy, allowing women to choose when and how many children they want to have.

It is true that family planning method can make a women become barren in future?

No, family planning methods do not make women permanently unable to have children in the future. Most methods are reversible, meaning that fertility returns after discontinuing their use. However, certain factors such as age, underlying health conditions, or certain medical procedures unrelated to family planning can impact fertility. It is always important to consult with a healthcare professional to understand the specific risks and benefits of different family planning methods.

Yes, family planning methods can be used to prevent or delay pregnancy in women. There are various methods of family planning available, including hormonal methods like birth control pills, patches, and injections; barrier methods like condoms and diaphragms; intrauterine devices (IUDs); fertility awareness methods; and sterilization techniques like tubal ligation or vasectomy. These methods aim to empower women to make informed decisions about when and if they want to have children. It is important to note that while these methods are highly effective, no contraception method is 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy.