Adam had 20 quarters, 10 dimes, and 25 nickels. He exchanged 5 quarters and 4 dimes for nickels. How many coins did Adam have in the end?

Adam exchanged 5 quarters for nickels, so he has 20 - 5 = <<20-5=15>>15 quarters left.

Adam exchanged 4 dimes for nickels, so he has 10 - 4 = <<10-4=6>>6 dimes left.
Adam exchanged 5 quarters, so he has 5 * 25 = <<5*25=125>>125 nickels from the quarters.
Adam exchanged 4 dimes, so he has 4 * 10 = <<4*10=40>>40 nickels from the dimes.
Adam has 25 + 125 + 15 + 6 + 40 = <<25+125+15+6+40=211>>211 nickels.
Adam has 15 + 6 + 20 + 10 + 25 = <<15+6+20+10+25=76>>76 coins in the end. Answer: \boxed{76}.

Step 1: Start with the initial number of coins Adam had:

- Adam initially had 20 quarters, 10 dimes, and 25 nickels.

Step 2: Calculate the total number of coins:
- Adam had a total of 20 quarters + 10 dimes + 25 nickels = 55 coins initially.

Step 3: Calculate the number of coins Adam exchanged:
- Adam exchanged 5 quarters + 4 dimes = 9 coins.

Step 4: Calculate the value of the exchanged coins:
- 5 quarters = 5 * $0.25 = $1.25.
- 4 dimes = 4 * $0.10 = $0.40.

Step 5: Calculate the value of the exchanged coins in nickels:
- $1.25 in nickels = $1.25 / $0.05 = 25 nickels.

Step 6: Calculate the number of coins Adam had after the exchange:
- Adam had 20 quarters + 10 dimes + 25 nickels - 9 exchanged coins + 25 exchanged nickels = 71 coins.

Therefore, Adam had 71 coins in the end.