It takes Pam 45 minutes to drive to work and 60 minutes to drive home from work. Write the ratio of the time Pam spends driving home from work to the time she spends driving to work in three different ways.

The ratio of the time Pam spends driving home from work to the time she spends driving to work can be written as:

1. 60 minutes to 45 minutes
2. 4:3
3. 4/3

To write the ratio of the time Pam spends driving home from work to the time she spends driving to work in three different ways, we can use the following formats:

1. As a fraction: The ratio can be written as 60/45.

2. As a colon: The ratio can be written as 60:45.

3. As a word: The ratio can be written as "sixty to forty-five" or "sixty for every forty-five."