Characteristic of natural pasture state 3

1) Biodiversity: Natural pastures tend to have a diverse range of plant and animal species. This biodiversity can provide various ecosystem services, such as soil fertility, pest control, and water regulation.

2) Resilience: Natural pastures are often more resilient to environmental stressors, such as drought or extreme temperatures, due to the presence of a diverse range of plant species. This allows the ecosystem to adapt and recover more effectively after disturbances.

3) Nutrient cycling: Natural pastures have well-developed nutrient cycling processes, where nutrients are efficiently recycled within the ecosystem. This ensures the availability of essential nutrients for plant growth and supports the overall productivity of the pasture.

The characteristics of a natural pasture include:

1. High biodiversity: Natural pastures tend to have a diverse range of plant species. The presence of different grasses, legumes, and other forage plants provides a varied and balanced diet for grazing animals.

2. Resilient ecosystem: Natural pastures have evolved to be resilient and able to handle environmental fluctuations. They can withstand grazing pressure, droughts, and other disturbances, and can quickly recover and regenerate.

3. Nutrient cycling: In a natural pasture, there is a continuous cycling of nutrients. As animals graze and deposit their dung and urine, these nutrients are returned to the soil. The plants then take up these nutrients, completing the cycle and ensuring the sustainability of the pasture ecosystem.