Discus convention current

I'm sorry, but I need more information to understand what you mean by "convention current." Could you please provide more context or clarify your question?

I assume you are referring to a discussion about the current state of conventions. Here is a step-by-step breakdown of how you can discuss the topic:

1. Introduction:
Start by introducing the topic of conventions and their current status. Explain that conventions are events where people with similar interests gather to share knowledge, network, and engage in activities related to a specific industry, hobby, or fandom.

2. Impact of COVID-19:
Discuss how the ongoing global pandemic has affected conventions. Explain that many conventions have been canceled, postponed, or transitioned to virtual formats due to restrictions on large gatherings and travel limitations. Highlight the financial implications and disappointment felt by organizers, attendees, and businesses that rely on conventions for exposure and sales.

3. Virtual Conventions:
Explain the rise of virtual conventions as an alternative to in-person events. Discuss how these events are conducted online, utilizing video calls, live streaming, and interactive platforms to replicate some aspects of traditional conventions. Mention advantages such as increased accessibility for remote attendees, reduced costs, and the ability to reach a global audience.

4. Challenges of Virtual Conventions:
Acknowledge the limitations and challenges that come with virtual conventions. Discuss the difficulties in recreating the energetic atmosphere, networking opportunities, and physical interactions found in in-person events. Additionally, address potential technical issues, lack of personal connections, and difficulties in monetizing virtual conventions.

5. Hybrid Conventions:
Introduce the concept of hybrid conventions, which combine elements of both virtual and in-person events. Discuss how this approach allows for a mix of online and offline activities, accommodating those who prefer attending physically while still offering virtual options for those unable to travel or hesitant to attend in-person events.

6. Future Outlook:
Discuss the future outlook for conventions post-pandemic. Mention the anticipation and excitement surrounding the return of in-person events, but also consider the potential long-lasting effects of virtual conventions on the industry. Highlight possibilities for the integration of new technologies, improved virtual experiences, and a hybrid model that combines the best aspects of both formats.

7. Conclusion:
Summarize the main points discussed, emphasizing the significant impact the pandemic has had on conventions. Conclude by expressing hope for the revival of conventions and the emergence of new, innovative ways to connect and engage with like-minded individuals in the future.