dentify and differentiate between the two programming models or paradigms

that will be considered for the development effort. Substantiate your answer with
examples related to the development of the application required by the sports

The two programming models or paradigms that can be considered for the development effort are structured programming and object-oriented programming (OOP).

1. Structured Programming:
In structured programming, the code is divided into small, independent modules or subroutines, each with a specific task. These modules can be combined and executed sequentially or conditionally using control structures like loops and conditionals. Structured programming focuses on procedural logic and code reusability.

Example for the development of the application for sports administrators:
In the case of the sports administrators' application, structured programming can be used to create modules for different tasks such as player registration, match scheduling, generating reports, etc. Each module can be developed independently and can be easily maintained and tested. For example, a module can be created to handle player registration, which would include functions or procedures for collecting and validating player information. Another module can be created to handle match scheduling, containing functions to generate match fixtures based on specific criteria.

2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
In OOP, the code is organized around objects, which are instances of classes that encapsulate data and behavior. Objects interact with each other through methods, which are functions defined within the class. OOP focuses on creating reusable objects and promotes concepts like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.

Example for the development of the application for sports administrators:
In the case of the sports administrators' application, OOP can be used to model different entities and their relationships. For example, classes can be created for players, matches, teams, and administrators. These classes can have attributes specific to their entities (e.g., player name, team name) and methods that perform operations relevant to them (e.g., add player, schedule match). Inheritance can be used if there are common properties or behavior between different entities. For instance, a base class named "Person" can be created from which both players and administrators inherit common attributes and methods.

Overall, the choice between structured programming or OOP for the development effort depends on factors like application complexity, code reusability, and maintainability.

When considering programming models or paradigms for the development of an application required by sports administrators, two common options are imperative programming and object-oriented programming.

1. Imperative Programming:
Imperative programming is a programming paradigm that describes step-by-step instructions for the computer to follow. It focuses on how to achieve a specific result by specifying a sequence of commands. In this paradigm, the programmer defines the actions to be performed and the order in which they should be executed.

Example: If you are developing an application for sports administrators, you may need to perform tasks such as displaying information about players, adding or removing players, and calculating team statistics. In an imperative programming model, you would explicitly define the sequence of commands to accomplish these tasks. For instance, you might write code that displays player information, then updates the player database, and finally calculates and displays statistics.

2. Object-Oriented Programming:
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that uses objects, which are instances of classes, to represent real-world entities. It focuses on modeling problems by identifying objects, their properties, and their interactions. OOP allows for encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism, which enhance code reusability and modularity.

Example: In the context of sports administrators' application, you could define classes like "Player," "Team," and "Game." Each class would have its attributes (such as name, age, statistics) and methods (such as displaying player information, updating player statistics). You can then create instances of these classes and interact with them to perform various tasks. For example, you could create a "Team" object, add "Player" objects to it, and invoke methods like "calculateTeamStatistics()" to obtain team-related information.

In summary, imperative programming focuses on step-by-step instructions while object-oriented programming emphasizes modeling real-world entities as objects. The choice between these programming models depends on factors such as the complexity of the application, the need for code reusability, and the nature of the problem domain.