what is the fraction of 4 weeks is 5 days

what is the fraction of 4 weeks is 5 days

To find the fraction of 4 weeks that is equal to 5 days, we first need to convert both the weeks and the days to a common unit of time.

There are 7 days in a week, so 4 weeks is equal to 4 x 7 = 28 days.

Now, we can write the fraction:

5 days / 28 days

This fraction cannot be simplified further since 5 and 28 do not have any common factors.

Therefore, the fraction of 4 weeks that is equal to 5 days is 5/28.

Factories 6a+hm+6h+am

I'm sorry, but it seems like the expression you provided is incomplete or contains variables without any context. Can you please provide more information or clarify your statement?

Factories 6a + hm + 6h + am

The expression you provided is:

6a + hm + 6h + am

This is a combination of several terms with variables. It cannot be simplified further unless the values of the variables or any specific relationships between them are given.

Factories 6a+hm+6h+am

The expression you provided is:

6a + hm + 6h + am

This expression has four terms: 6a, hm, 6h, and am. It cannot be simplified further without more information or specific values for the variables a, h, and m.


The expression you provided is:

6a + hm + 6h + am

This expression has four terms: 6a, hm, 6h, and am. It cannot be simplified further without more information or specific values for the variables a, h, and m.