Identify and differentiate between the two programming models or paradigms

that will be considered for the development effort. Substantiate your answer with
examples related to the development of the application required by the sports

The two programming models or paradigms that can be considered for the development effort for the application required by the sports administrators are procedural programming and object-oriented programming.

1. Procedural Programming:
Procedural programming is a programming paradigm that is based on a linear step-by-step sequence of instructions. It focuses on dividing the program into smaller procedural units and executing them in a systematic manner. In this model, the emphasis is on procedures or functions, which take inputs, perform computations, and produce outputs.

Example for the sports administrators' application:
In the sports administrators' application, procedural programming can be used to implement specific procedures or functions for handling different tasks such as adding a new player, updating player information, calculating game statistics, generating reports, etc. Each of these tasks can be encapsulated within separate functions, and the flow of execution can be controlled by calling these functions when required. For instance:

function addPlayer(name, age, sport) {
// Code to add a new player to the database

function updatePlayerInfo(id, field, value) {
// Code to update a player's information in the database

function calculateStatistics(playerId) {
// Code to calculate game statistics for a player

// Calling the above functions as per the application requirements
addPlayer("John Doe", 25, "Basketball");
updatePlayerInfo(123, "Age", 26);

2. Object-Oriented Programming:
Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm that revolves around the concept of objects, which are instances of classes. It focuses on encapsulating data and behavior within objects and emphasizes the interaction between objects. The key principles of OOP are inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism.

Example for the sports administrators' application:
In the sports administrators' application, object-oriented programming can be used to represent various entities as objects with their own properties and methods. For example, there could be classes like Player, Team, Game, etc., each representing a specific entity with its attributes and operations. These classes can be instantiated to create objects that interact with each other to achieve the desired functionality. For instance:

class Player {
constructor(name, age, sport) { = name;
this.age = age; = sport;

updateInfo(field, value) {
// Code to update a player's information

calculateStatistics() {
// Code to calculate game statistics for a player

// Creating objects and making use of their methods
const player1 = new Player("John Doe", 25, "Basketball");
player1.updateInfo("Age", 26);

In this example, the Player class represents a player entity, and objects of this class can be created to store player-related information. The updateInfo() method allows modifying specific attributes of a player, and calculateStatistics() method helps in calculating game-related statistics for a player.

By considering these different programming models or paradigms, developers can choose the one that best suits the requirements and complexity of the sports administrators' application.

The two programming models or paradigms that can be considered for the development effort are procedural programming and object-oriented programming (OOP).

1. Procedural Programming:
- Procedural programming is a programming paradigm where the program is divided into a sequence of procedures or functions. The focus is on writing a sequence of instructions to be executed in order.
- In this paradigm, the program may maintain a global state and manipulate it through functions or procedures.
- Procedural programming is often used for small-scale programs or scripts, where simplicity and direct control over the program flow are required.
- Examples related to the development of the application required by sports administrators in procedural programming could include:
- A procedure for adding a new player to a team.
- A procedure for calculating the average score of a team in a particular match.
- A procedure for sorting players by their performance metrics.

2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):
- Object-oriented programming is a programming paradigm that focuses on creating objects, which are instances of classes, and manipulating them to achieve the desired functionality.
- It promotes the concepts of encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.
- In OOP, the program's structure is based on classes and objects that interact with each other by sending messages.
- Examples related to the development of the application required by sports administrators in object-oriented programming could include:
- A class representing a player, with attributes like name, age, and score, and methods like calculateAverageScore().
- A class representing a team, with attributes like name, coach, and players, and methods like addPlayer() and calculateTotalScore().
- A class representing a match, with attributes like teams, date, and location, and methods like calculateWinner() and getMatchDetails().

In summary, procedural programming focuses on a sequence of procedures or functions, while object-oriented programming focuses on objects and their interactions. The choice between these paradigms depends on factors like the complexity and size of the application, the ease of maintenance, and the level of data abstraction required.