A village V which is its kilometer on a barino 40° from a 0.0 calculate how far the village is North of zoo hints science 40° = 20.6428 cosine 40° = 20.760 × 10 × 40° = 20.8391

To calculate how far the village is north of the zoo, we need to multiply the distance on the barino by the cosine of 40°.

Distance on the barino = 40° = 20.6428

Cosine 40° = 20.760 × 10 × 40° = 20.8391

Distance north of the zoo = Distance on the barino × Cosine 40°
= 20.6428 × 20.8391
= 430.0467 kilometers

To calculate how far the village V is north of the zoo, we need to use the trigonometric function cosine and the given values:

1. Convert the angle of 40° from degrees to radians: 40° × π/180 ≈ 0.6981 radians.
2. Determine the cosine value of the angle: cosine(40°) ≈ 0.7660.

Now, you mentioned the hint "science 40° = 20.6428 cosine 40° = 20.760 × 10 × 40° = 20.8391." However, it seems that these values don't correlate directly with the given parameters. Therefore, we'll use the trigonometric function to calculate the distance.

3. Calculate the distance north of the zoo using the formula: Distance = Hypotenuse × cosine(angle)

Given that the distance on the barino is 0.0 and the cosine of 40° is approximately 0.7660, the distance north of the zoo would be:

Distance = 0.0 × 0.7660 ≈ 0.0

Therefore, the village V is approximately 0.0 kilometers north of the zoo.