My brother Patrick sat on his bed and waited patiently for me to begin. As I held the speech in my right hand, I felt the page crinkle between my fingertips. I read my speech loudly, but my brother shook his head disapprovingly. He told me I didn’t sound confident enough. With a heavy heart, I knew I was in for a long day of practicing.

Write a few lines of dialogue based on this narrative.

Me: "Okay, here goes nothing. Are you ready, Patrick?"

Patrick: *nods eagerly* "Yeah, I'm all ears. Let's see what you've got."
Me: *takes a deep breath* "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for being here tonight..."
Patrick: *interrupts* "Stop, stop! You're rushing through it way too fast. Slow down and make it count."
Me: *frustrated* "I am trying, Patrick. It's not as easy as it looks!"
Patrick: *sighs* "I know, sis. Just take your time and focus on projecting confidence. You've got this."

Me: (nervously) "Alright, here goes nothing. Uh, hello everyone, today I'm here to give a speech about..."

Patrick: (interrupting) "Stop! You're not projecting your voice. Stand tall and speak louder, with confidence!"
Me: (sighing) "I'm trying my best, Patrick. It's not easy for me."
Patrick: "Well, you have to try harder. If you want to make an impact, you've got to sound authoritative, believe in yourself!"
Me: (defeated) "I know, I know... It's just frustrating. I've been practicing for hours and I still can't seem to get it right."
Patrick: "Don't give up. Let's try a different approach. Maybe you need to loosen up a bit, act more natural instead of just reading off the paper."
Me: (encouraged) "You think that might help?"
Patrick: "Absolutely. Let's give it another shot. Remember, you've got this!"